Sunday, December 13, 2009




End of the month November, was an academic feast for the Indian Radiation Oncologists at Hyderabad.

The content of the conference can be summarized in three words: It was about Research, Discipline and Development, especially that of the new machines. It is our pride to realize and say that even latest knowledge about the technical progress has found its way to India, no matter how expensive the machines are. “Precision in Delivery of Radiation” is the mantra for all these technical aspects. Tomotherapy, Cyberknife and Rapid Arc are all the ways to do radio therapy on an extremely precise way.

Cyberknife was covered by two speakers. An eminent guest from California Dr.Nissar Syed was kind enough to give an over-all review about the machine. His talk was followed by the ‘Indian experience’ with Cyberknife based on more than hundred fifty cases treated already at ASH Chennai. Characteristics of the first 150 cases were presented. Apollo has considerable success:- partial remission even in majority of the ‘lost’ cases.

Beside the advantage of saving normal tissue in the brain or extracranially, CK represents a huge leap forward in treating moving targets like cancer in the lung, liver or in the prostate. All these three organs, move during the radiotherapy.

The first patient, Master Shanka had very serious neurological complaints at the time when he came to Apollo. He was attended by Sr. Consultant Neurosurgeon Dr.Balamurugan. However his attempt to remove the haemangioblastoma from the patient’s brainstem was confined to fail due to the dangerously high vascularity which is the nature of that kind of tumors. But this surgical nightmare can be converted into an advantage with the help of High Precision Irradiation (HPI). High vascularity means high density of endothelial cells which are covering the inner surface of the vessels. These vulnerable cells can react with an overgrowth for the exposure of radiation.

Few months after the success full Stereotactic Radiosurgery with CK, part of the tumor has been obliterated its overall size started to come down.This is why the patient has improved and could resume his normal life.

Fate of a patient with inoperable lung cancer is practically known at the time of the diagnosis. Only a very minimal percentage of the inoperable lung cancer cases can be saved by the combination of conventional irradiation with chemotherapy. CK seems to bring a new hope for these patients. A 57 year old gentleman from the neighboring Srilanka successfully conquered one cancer 10 years ago with the help of Apollo Speciality Hospital. He came with hope again when an inoperable lung cancer in his chest was diagnosed. Chemotherapy has failed unfortunately. And then Cyberknife seemed to come for his rescue. High precision and short duration, biologically very intensive radiation has resulted in an impressive remission of his advanced lung cancer without any side effects. This aggressive cancer does have the capacity of invading the rest of the body. As a matter of fact the same has been observed with that particular patient too. But for him this is not the “end of the road”. A second CK treatment is planned to attend all the new sites of cancers shown on the PET CT. Highly sophisticated tools in radiation oncology do allow us to provide longer control with reasonable if not excellent quality of life even in an aggressive cancer.

There is a beautiful sentence told by Rabindranath Tagore about the disease in general. “DEATH DOES NOT HURT US, BUT DISEASE DOES, BECAUSE DISEASE CONSTANTLY REMINDS US OF HEALTH AND YET WITHOLDS IT FROM US.”

This is double true for cancer. Quality of life of a patient has to be one of the primary concerns of an oncologists. Many cancers have a tendency to migrate to the bone, to the spine. These metastatic lesions have the capacity to paralyze the patients by compressing the spinal cord. Chemotherapy frequently has only temporary control over the progress and so does conventional radiotherapy. But high precision in CK helps. We have the technical skill and opportunity to give high precision irradiation to the spine and to arrest this type of tumours even before they cause the extremely bad condition of transverse lesion of the spine. A Professor from George-Towns University in Washington DC said “by now we hardly deal with paralysis due to metastasis to the spine. It is being attended with CK at a curable and controllable stage and the patient will not be confined to bed for the rest of his/her life.

The basic question: ‘How cancer can be tamed in general’ still remains unanswered. But the tremendous progress gives hope for both temporary control with good quality of life and for cure in many cases. It is our job and duty to know about new developments and to apply them with wisdom. This conference was all about this.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


DR.MAHADEV Senior Consultant, Radiation Oncology

71 Yrs old Mr.Birendra Singh from Gopalganj, Bihar was devastated when he was diagnosed to have Prostate cancer. He had gone to his urologist for just a routine checkup because he was having difficulty in passing urine for the last couple of months. A routine PSA done was in the range of 15ng/ml. A transrectal biopsy revealed grade 2 adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland with a Gleason’s score of 3+4.

Mr.Singh went to Delhi for an opinion. He consulted various doctors which included several urologists, surgical oncologists and radiation oncologists.The options given to him included wait and watch, bilateral orchidectomy(removal of both testis), Radical prostatectomy, Brachytherapy(seed /HDR implant).The opinions were so varied that the family could not take a decision for 3 months.

Patient also consulted Apollo Hospitals at Ranchi in Jharkhand where he was advised to go to Apollo Speciality Hospital Chennai as all the treatment options were available there and he was also told that a full team of doctors decide on a treatment in the tumor board.

Mr Birendra Singh’s nephew who lives in the United States, meanwhile contacted his uncle from there and told him about a new treatment called the cyberknife which he had read on the internet. His nephew was very impressed by what he had read on the net- outpatient treatment, non-invasive, very precise radiation delivered robotically and just 5 sittings with practically no side effects. He asked his uncle to come to US for treatment as he thought it was unlikely that this treatment option would be available in India.

After going through all the treatment options Mr.Birendra Singh decided he would go in for Cyberknife as he found that to be the best treatment modality in his opinion. He visited Chennai in March 2009 to take a final decision. We had just then started using Cyberknife and we told him that the latest version of Cyberknife is now available here. He was told that the cost of cyberknife would be around 40,000 US dollars in US. We told him that the cost of treatment here would be Rs 400,000.

As we had just started Cyberknife Mr Singh was anxious about our technical capability. But when he came to know that the entire team was trained at the Stanford University, California, where actually the cyberknife was invented, he immediately decided to have the treatment here.

The first step in the treatment process was counselling him about the various treatment aspects.This included explaining to him the various stages of the treatment preparation ,planning and execution.The expected benefits and the various side effects that can be expected was explained to him in detail.The side effects that are normally seen with this treatment can be increased frequeny of micturition and bowel movemens.Very rarely, rectal bleeding can be seen as a late effect of radiotherapy.

The second step was placing 5 gold fiducials into the prostate gland transperinealy under transrectal guidance which took about half an hour. These fiducials are necessary for the machine to track the prostate gland during the entire course of treatment. Normally, we have to wait for a week after placing the fiducials for doing the planning CT scan. This is necessary because in the first couple of days, the seeds can migrate.

The third step in his planning was the making of a special type of bed called Vacloc for immobilization of the patient during treatment. Vacloc is a vacuum bed which takes the shape of the patient so that daily reproducibility of the patient in the same position can be achieved easily. This took about 10 minutes following which a CT scan was done with the patient lying in the vacloc in the treatment position.

Next, the Radiation oncologist contours the prostate gland, bladder and rectum. Then, the medical physicist puts on the treatment beams. The treatment plan was ready the next day and was reviewed by the oncologist and urologist.The treatment plan was finalized and the patient was asked to come for treatment the following day which happened to be a Tuesday. Patient was asked to have a light breakfast before 8 am and report for treatment at 10am.He was also asked to take a laxative the previous night and antacids.This preparation is a very important part of the treatment as improper bowel evacuation and gas in the bowel can interfere with the accuracy of the treatment.As cyberknife can achieve submillimeter target accuracy and continuously tracks the target while treatment ,it is absolutely essential that patients follow this preparatory regimen very carefully.Mr Singh was prescribed 5 treatment sittings on consecutive days.

Each treatment lasted for about 45-50 minutes and Mr.Birendra Singh completed his treatment on schedule on Saturday.He had initially booked his tickets for Sunday but as he did not have any side effects he preponed his journey to Saturday night.He was advised to have a PSA after 3 months which confirmed that the PSA had come down to normal values.


Mr.Singh Reported back to us in the first week of December. His PSA which was repeated was less that 1ng/ml which shows excellent response to treatment. There were practically no side effects during and after the treatment.


Cyber Knife Radio surgery in Pediatric Patients

Cyber Knife Radio surgery in Pediatric Patients

Dr.R.Rathna Devi, Sr. Consultant Radiation Oncologist

One little girl told me “ I want to go to school” she was one of my early pediatric patient with AVM for the new facility, Cyber Knife. That’s what was on her mind. And that’s what she did. She went to school immediately after her treatment. This made a tremendous difference to the family and to the child, and I was very happy to have offered her this”.

Cyber Knife radio surgery has a great advantage in treatment of pediatric intra and extra cranial lesions which includes non – invasive immobilization, low radiotherapy exposure to the developing normal brain other tissues and ability to fractionate the treatment.

Young patients in the past were usually required to wear a of head frame (Gamma Knife, other kind of radiosurgery equipments), and had to remain anesthetized during the entire, often day long procedure.

These procedures uses rigid metal frame attached directly to the patient’s skull to orient the radiation beams, making it difficult to treat young children with small/ fragile heads. Because the frame cannot be removed between the initial imaging and subsequent treatment, doctors also had to work fast with the other types of radio surgery. With the clock ticking, we had to place the frame, perform CT/MRI or other imaging studies; get everyone involved to meet, plan the treatment and then treat the patient, while the patient is intubated and asleep. This is not an optimal situation.

Fortunately now at Apollo Speciality Hospital we can treat young patients (who can hop off the table and go home or to school) after the initial imaging step while we plan the treatment strategy. The non invasive process uses tiny focused beams of radiation to perform radio surgery on a patients head or body. This technique allows us (Doctors) to attack trouble spots deep within the brain while minimizing the dose of radiation to surrounding healthy tissue. This is particularly important in children, whose brain is still developing.


Cyberknife which was developed by John Adler, uses a mesh mask to stabilize the head. The technology tracks any unintentional movement on the part of the patient and adjusts the radiation path as necessary. Children who can understand the importance of holding still can undergo the treatment while conscious, younger kids can have short term anesthesia for approximately hour – long diagnostic and treatment session. The recovery from anesthesia is usually quicker because they don’t usually have to be intubated.

At Apollo specialty hospital, till date we had the opportunity to treat 11 children with Cyberknife radio surgery. Our first Cyberknife patient was a pediatric patient with cervico medullary haemangioblastoma 15 years male patient from Tripura . He presented with neck pain, poor cough reflex, and difficulty in swallowing and upper limb tingling sensation. Investigations revealed cervico medullary expansile lesion involving medulla to C2 C3 level.

He underwent occipito cervical craniotomy and decompression, because of high vascularity, surgery was abandoned. He underwent Cyberknife radio surgery between 24th to 26th March 2009. In the first follow up after 3 months, his symptoms completely disappeared follow up MRI showed reduction in size of lesion and contrast enhancing portion of the lesion reduced significantly.

This boy really benefited out of Cyberknife radio surgery. Treating only the affected area with out affecting adjacent brain tissue. He is due for his 10th Std board exam now.


We have treated 4 patients with AVM, and other treated indications include :

1 patient with Supracellular Hemartoma

1 patient with pineliocytoma

1 patient with Recurrent Meningioma

1 patient with Brainstem Glioma

1 patient with Pilocytic astrocytoma (residual)


1 patient with vertebral Haemangioma

To conclude, Cyberknife: represents an entirely new approach to radiosurgery. It is the only system that combines robotics, and advanced image guidance to deliver frameless radio surgery.

Cyberknife features robotic arm and proprietary image guided technology. The robotic arm is computer controlled and has an arm movement precision of 0.5mm.

Greatest advantage is an out patient basis treatment.