Breast Carcinoma with Lung Metastasis
Case History
A 44-year-old female diagnosed with carcinoma of the left breast in the year 2004 and was treated with mastectomy, chemotherapy and
radiation therapy was brought to Apollo Speciality Cancer Hospital. The patient was on hormonal therapy.
In the year 2006, the patient developed carcinoma of the contralateral breast (left) and had undergone surgery, followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy to the left chest wall.
A PET scan was done in 2009. The scan revealed solitary metastasis in the lower lobe of the right lung. Owing to this, the patient was planned for CyberKnife® treatment. The patient was treated with 45Gy radiation dosage in three fractions to the lung lesion and had tolerated the treatment well. Complete response was seen in 3-month post-CyberKnife® follow-up scan
Radiation therapy or surgery are frequently advised especially if chemotherapy is less efficient for patients suffering from single-lung metastasis.
However, as the lung mass moves with respiration, it is difficult to perform radiation therapy. Only respiratory-gated radiation therapy techniques deliver appropriate dose to the target and spare normal lung tissue. CyberKnife® has one of the most efficient respiratory tracking mechanisms (Synchrony) and this technology makes ‘real-time’ tracking possible by providing correct radiation dose to the tumour and avoiding the normal tissue in the vicinity. In addition, ‘See and Shoot’ technology in CyberKnife® helps to verify the target position prior to each treatment delivery and is the most accurate ‘online’ gated radiation therapy technique.
Doctor’s Comment
‘CyberKnife® is a fantastic option of providing the radiation therapy to the tumours which are mobile, like the one in this case. It avoids radiation exposure to normal tissue to a great extent.’
Dr. A. N. Vaidhyswaran
Patient’s Comment
‘I thought the treatment would be difficult, but the doctors at Apollo reassured me and they were true. The treatment was absolutely painless and I could go home immediately after the treatment’.
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