Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vertigo and right side hearing loss - Acoustic neuroma

Vertigo and right side hearing loss - Acoustic neuroma

A 50 years old gentleman presented with complaints of vertigo and right side hearing loss. MRI brain showed a well defined intracranial hemorrhage soft tissue lesion on the right side, possibility of an acoustic neuroma (1.1 x0.6 x0.5 cm). He was seen by ENT specialist. Audiometry revealed profound SN hearing loss on the right side and was referred to me for cyber knife radio surgery. Patient underwent Cyber Knife radio surgery from 11.10.2010 to 15.10.2010. Subsequent follow up with MRI and volume analysis has resulted not only arrest of tumour but also significant reduction in the volume of lesion, indicating success of treatment.

This patient was treated at Apollo Speciality Hospital, Chennai and has shown significant progress through cyberknife treatment

To know more about cyberknife treatment you may blog your comments or write to lakshmipriya_b@apollohospitals.com