Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Back pain due to aortacaval mass - Success with Cyberknife.

Colon Carcinoma - Back pain due to aortacaval mass

A 49 year old man , a known case of carcinoma colon post op, post chemo( in August 2013) was evaluated for back ache. He was operated upon for spondylolisthesis in November 2013.

He had no relief of symptoms. A pet ct done in March 2014 showed an aortocaval mass. There was no lesion elsewhere in the body. He was treated with cyber knife radio surgery. He started having pain relief during treatment  and a substantial relief during follow up.

He was followed up by medical oncologist with chemo . 2 months follow up PET Scan revealed no lesion in the region treated with cyberknife radiosurgery

This is a case study discussion of Dr.Rathna who is a senior consultant , Radiation Oncology, Apollo Speciality Hospital, Chennai.

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