Hapato Cellular Carcinoma- Successful treatment with Cyberknife
A 60 yr old gentleman was incidentally found to have a space occupying lesion in the liver which was diagnosed as hepatocellular carcinoma in June 2013.
He underwent a resection of the lesion in July 2013.Follow up imaging showed a small residual lesion and hence he was started on Tab.Sorafinib from November,2013. But serial imaging showed
an increase in the size of the lesion. Biopsy of the lesion confirmed it to be hepatocellular carcinoma.
The various treatment options were discussed. The patient was not keen for surgery and due to the
proximity of the hepatic vein, RFA was also difficult. It was decided to give radio surgery with Cyber knife to the residual lesion.
After fiducial placement for real time tracking of the lesion, a total dose of 40 Gy was delivered in 5 fractions. He underwent the treatment quite well with no difficulties. Follow up after 2 months imaging
showed a decrease in the size of the lesion with reduced activity of FDG uptake indicating good response to the treatment.
This is a case study discussion of Dr.Rathna who is a senior consultant , Radiation Oncology.
To know more about cyberknife kindly blog your comments or you can write to me at lakshmipriya_b@apollohospitals.com/9940675877